Monday, February 22, 2021

Violet Seils: Rochester's Youngest Spiritualist Minister

In 1930 Violet Seils was hailed as a child prodigy of Spiritualist Mediumship. She was highly capable of Mental Mediumship, specifically Clairvoyance and Clairaudience, and more unusually a Physical Medium capable of producing Direct Voice phenomena. 

According to stories of her family and those familiar with her when Violet was only two years old her sister and others would hear small voices speaking around her. By age four she was able to see clairvoyantly and would play with children no one else could see, and by age ten she was producing evidential mediumship of spirits who had passed on. 

Violet was described as an average young girl, who enjoyed school and playing with her friends. She attended a Rochester public school and also a Sunday School, she stated that she wanted to be a Minister when she grew up.

In the summer of 1930 Violet served as a guest Medium at Central Spiritualist Church. The church was completely filled with individuals hoping to receive a message from her.  Rev. Alexander of Central Spiritualist commented that "it is somewhat interesting that this should have developed in Rochester" making a comparison to Violet and the young Fox Sisters. 

During the service he named Violet as an Associate Pastor of the Church, making her wish to be a Minister come true. Violet served as a guest Medium in other Rochester Spiritualist churches such as Plymouth Spiritualist Church and Divine Inspiration. 

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