Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Spiritualist Obelisk

The plans for a potential monument to Spiritualism in Rochester, New York had been discussed for a number of years by several different Spiritualist leaders. It seems though that it wasn't until Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes and devout Spiritualist, popularized the idea that momentum was put behind the project.

When Doyle (who was notoriously bad at American geography) visited Rochester, New York he was somewhat surprised to find out that Hydesville (where the advent of Spiritualism began) was actually a fair distance away from the city of Rochester. Doyle felt that given Rochester was so central a location for Spiritualists, that a monument should be placed in the city. He proposed that a small spot of land near the site of Plymouth Spiritualist Church (as it was located in the 1920s) would have made a nice spot for a memorial marker to Spiritualism. 

In an article from 1926 in the Democrat and Chronicle, "Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle novelist and playwright, has given the first $5,000* for this monument. Both he and his fellow countryman, Sir Oliver Lodge, express their approval of the memorial being in this city. The National and State Association of Spiritualism have also endorsed the selection of Rochester." William H. Burr, the President of the General Assembly of Spiritualists, served as the chairman for the Executive Committee for the monument in Rochester.

At the unveiling of the monument in 1927 several prominent Spiritualist leaders from the United States, Canada, and England visited. Although Doyle could not attend, most likely due to health issues, a letter from him was read by Rev. Walter Foss then Pastor of Plymouth, and future leader of Central Spiritualist Church. 

In his letter Doyle praised the dedication of American Spiritualists saying, "I send my hearty congratulations to the Spiritualists of America for having raised a monument in memory of what posterity will recognize as the greatest event that ever occurred upon American soil."

1954 when the original site of Plymouth Spiritualist Church was demolished to make room for the Inner Loop, the Obelisk was moved to the south east corner of the Inner Loop at Plymouth and Troup Street where it currently remains today. 

The plaque on the monument reads: Erected December 4, 1927 By the Spiritualists of the World In Commemoration of the Advent of Modern Spiritualism At Hydesville, NY March 31, 1848 And in tribute to Mediumship, the Rock upon Which Demonstrable Spiritualism Forever Stands. THERE IS NO DEATH, THERE ARE NO DEAD.

*sources are unclear of whether or not Doyle donated 5,000 or 500 dollars. Both of which would have been an enormous amount of money at the time

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