Monday, September 28, 2020

Rev. Raymond Burns

Rev. Raymond Burns was Pastor of Plymouth Spiritualist Church for a short period of time in the late 1930s. He was born in Pennsylvania and reportedly demonstrated prominent psychic and mediumistic abilities since childhood. 

Before being called to Plymouth as Pastor he served at the First Spiritualist Church of Niagara Falls. He was a profoundly developed Medium and demonstrated several phases of mediumship such as Inspirational Speaking, Trance, and Trumpet Mediumship. 

He regularly served as a lecturer and Medium at Lily Dale & Freeville Spiritualist Camps.

Rev. Burns resigned from Plymouth Spiritualist Church due to issues and conflicts among the leadership of the Church, and went on to become Pastor of the Center of Psychic Science in Buffalo, New York. He was installed as Pastor by Rev. Leota Maxwell of the Open Door Spiritualist Church in Rochester, NY. 

During the schism between the National Association and the General Assembly, Rev. Burns chose to remain a member of the General Assembly. He served as missionary for the International General Assembly of Spiritualists and was an Associate of the Arthur Ford Institute for Psychic Science, he was also a Trustee at Camp Silver Belle in Pennsylvania. 

Rev. Burns went on to become the Pastor of Albertson Memorial Chapel in Connecticut where he served for 23 years. I actually had the pleasure to meet with a member of the late Rev. Burn's former congregation. An upbeat and positive woman, aged 102, she was thrilled to hear me mention Rev. Burns who she said was a "wonderful man, and amazing medium." 

She stated that she attended his development circle that met every Tuesday and they called their little group the Tuesday Club. She told me she could recall attending Trumpet seances led by Rev. Burns, where the trumpet would levitate and bring through messages with the voices of spirits. 

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